Tashi MacMillen, QSP, CISEC

Principal Director of Technical Services
email: tmacmillen@sequoiaeco.com      phone: 831.239.1645         Linkedin

Tashi MacMillen is a Sequoia Principal and skilled biologist who leads Sequoia’s biological services across all markets and clients. With over 13 years of experience in the industry, Tashi is a dynamic leader and an experienced project manager and biologist who specializes in environmental permitting, habitat restoration, resource assessments, and CEQA/NEPA compliance and documentation. With technical expertise spanning aquatic, terrestrial, and avian ecology, regulatory permitting and compliance, as well as restoration and revegetation design and implementation expertise, Tashi manages and mentors Sequoia’s team of biologists and provides oversight and quality control for projects across all lines of business statewide. Tashi opened Sequoia’s San Diego office in 2017 and continues to develop and build relationships in Southern California while also managing the staff in our Walnut Creek office.

Tashi has a wide range of experience as a biologist and ecologist, including performing watershed assessments, leading avian survey teams, conducting hundreds of hours of foothill-yellow frog surveys, and performing backpack electrofishing, and he has managed multiple large river restoration and revegetation projects.  Tashi holds a CDFW Scientific Collecting Permit and a Memorandum of Understanding for work with foothill yellow-legged frog. 

Tashi’s project experience includes work across all of Sequoia’s markets. He has developed, led, and managed projects with breadth and variety, including a large aggregate facilities expansion project, an on-call biological services support project at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, an East Bay Regional Park District stream restoration and revegetation project, a 31-mile-long reconductoring project for Pacific Gas and Electric, and biological services across three hydroelectric facilities in the central Sierra Nevada. 

Tashi works closely with our clients and staff to ensure that Sequoia provides outstanding work products and exemplary customer service, offers top-notch employee training, and maintains excellent administrative practices and safety. He also ensures that Sequoia meets the goals outlined in the firm’s Mission, Vision, and Values. Tashi’s attention to detail and ability to identify potential issues early in the project development process leads to outstanding client relations and ultimately, project success.