Sequoia provides integrated biological, permitting, and project management assistance, effectively supporting projects from the planning phase through the mitigation monitoring phase.
- Environmental Training (Bilingual Training Available)
- Preconstruction Surveys
- Daily Monitoring and Reporting
- Long-Term Mitigation Monitoring
- Stormwater BMP Inspection
- Stormwater and Water Quality Monitoring
- Nesting Bird Surveys
- Protocol Species Surveys
- Construction Boundary Demarcating and Mapping
- Site Restoration and Reseeding
- Project Management
- Safety Compliance
- Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Sequoia has recovery permits and MOUs and has conducted protocol surveys for the following
species: CTS, CRLF, SFGS, VPB, FYLF, CSP, NOGO, Bald Eagle, SNYLF. Sequoia can also conduct surveys for the following species:
- USFWS 10(a)(1)(a) Recovery Permits
- California Red-Legged Frog
- California Tiger Salamander
- San Francisco Garter Snake
- Vernal Pool Branchiopods
- Burrowing Owl
- Swainson’s Hawk
- Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog
- California Spotted Owl
- Bat Surveys
- Bald Eagle
- Willow Flycatcher
- Protocol Herpetofauna
- Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
- Yosemite Toad
- San Joaquin Kit Fox
- Yellow-Legged Frog
Sequoia’s botanists have extensive experience in rare plant inventories, restoration planning, seed collection, vegetation and invasive species mapping, and more! our botanical services include:
- Arborist Surveys
- Rare Plant Surveys
- Invasive Weed Mapping
- Hazard Tree Identification
- Restoration Planning
- Implementation and Monitoring
With Sequoia Principal Brett Hanshew at the helm of our fisheries work, Sequoia has provided fisheries support on numerous hydroelectric and salmonid restoration projects throughout the state, including in the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the Stanislaus River for PG&E, the Russian River for Syar Industries, and the Battle Creek Watershed for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Our fisheries include:
- Electrofishing Surveys
- Fish Relocations and Fish Rescues
- Seining/Netting
- Snorkel Surveys
- Salmonid Habitat Assessments
- Redd Counts
Sequoia’s qualified biologists routinely conduct species and habitat surveys throughout the state. Different agencies have varying requirements for how the surveys are conducted, as well as how the results are reported. Sequoia has experience with many different methodologies to ensure compliance with agency and client requirements. Our biological resources surveys include:
- Constraints Analysis
- Infrared Camera Trapping Surveys
- Nesting Bird Surveys
- Habitat Surveys
- Species inventory
- Large Mammal Migration & Movement Surveys
- GIS Mapping
- Biological Surveys to Support Initial Studies
- EAs
- USFWS Section 7 and Section 10 Permitting
- CDFW 2080.1 and 2081 Permitting
- Interagency Review Team Mitigation/Conservation Bank Applications
- Agency Consultation and Relations
- Permitting Needs Assessments and Strategies
- Permit Tracking and Agency Reporting
- Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act Section 10 Permit
- Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act U.S. Coast Guard Section 9, Rivers and Harbors Bridge Permit
- Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 and 404 Permits
- Endangered Species Act Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plan/Incidental Take Permit
- Federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation
- California Fish and Game Code Section 1602 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement
- California Fish and Game Code Section 2080.1/2081 Take Authorizations
- CWA State Water Resources Control Board Order WQ 2014-0174-DWQ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit
- Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act Regional Water Quality Control Board California Water Code Section 7 Discharge Permits
- Joint Aquatic Resource Permits
- Other Local Discretionary Permits
- Local Ministerial Permits