This Caltrans Local Assistance project involved slope stabilization, drainage improvement, and road widening in habitat adjacent to a creek and occupied by Alameda whipsnake, California red-legged frog, and numerous California species of special concern.
Sequoia worked with construction management, County representatives, and contractors to ensure compliance with a USFWS Biological Opinion and CDFW Section 1602 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement. As the on-site USFWS-approved biologist for California red-legged frog and Alameda whipsnake, Sequoia assured all work activities were in environmental compliance, conducting daily pre-activity clearance surveys for nesting birds and for federally and state-threatened Alameda whipsnake and federally threatened California red-legged frog, and conducting environmental awareness trainings with on-site personnel.
Biological Services
Environmental Planning & Compliance
Storm Water Services
Habitat Restoration