Sequoia provided biological compliance support for two Alameda County Water District projects in the Alameda Creek drainage. Our team of biologists conducted pre-construction surveys for initial ground disturbance, monitored construction activities to ensure compliance, and performed multiple fish relocations for the project.
The Kaiser Pond project constructed a new diversion pipeline and cylindrical fish screen to replace the prior unscreened diversion. The screen system and diversion intake are used to divert water from the Alameda Creek Flood Control Channel to Kaiser Pond. This project
included extensive excavation, horizontal directional drilling, fish relocations, focused species surveys, and implementation of project-specific storm water Best Management Practices.
The Shinn Pond project installed a new 54-inch gravity rediversion pipeline underneath active UPRR and BART tracks. Sequoia ensured compliance with the terms of the CDFW Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements and the USACE 404 Permit, with a scope of work that covered biological resources, water quality, and erosion control.
Biological Services
Environmental Planning & Compliance
Storm Water Services
Habitat Restoration