Sequoia supported the project team on the Line 200 Anomaly Investigation and Repair project along 13 miles of gas line between Brentwood and Altamont.
The project involved drill testing, trenching, welding, polymer blasting, coating, and revegetation activities in multiple habitat types. Sequoia provided CDFW- and USFWS-approved biologist support under the East Contra Costa County HCP/Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP), and is conducting pre-construction surveys for the numerous special-status species including California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, western burrowing owl, San Joaquin kit fox, nesting birds, Swainson’s hawk, and golden eagle. Sequoia also performed infrared camera surveys at select sites for San Joaquin kit fox, and protocol rare plant surveys across all project area habitats and landscapes. Sequoia provided biological monitoring to support environmental compliance during ground-disturbing activities, project management support, and client coordination.
Biological Services
Environmental Planning & Compliance
Storm Water Services
Habitat Restoration