Sequoia provided comprehensive biological services for this planned instream gravel mining project that created off-channel habitat features for listed Chinook salmon and steelhead.
Sequoia worked with the client and an independent Scientific Review Committee to ensure geomorphic and habitat studies complied with the various mining and restoration permits. We designed a comprehensive study plan that included pre-construction surveys for special-status wildlife species, salmonid habitat assessment and delineation, and geomorphic studies of salmonid spawning gravels.
Sequoia managed a team of subject matter experts to implement various technical studies and surveys for permit compliance including protocol rare plant surveys, tree inventories, salmonid redd counts, bat surveys, western pond turtle and foothill yellow-legged frog surveys, salmonid instream habitat delineations, and salmonid spawning habitat quality surveys.
Biological Services
Environmental Planning & Compliance
Storm Water Services
Habitat Restoration