The Stanislaus Afterbay Dam was a timber and steel dam built in 1907 along the Middle Fork of the Stanislaus River. After outliving its effectiveness following the completion of the New Melones Reservoir in 1982, the dam was removed in 2012. Sequoia assisted in ensuring environmental compliance and restoration goals were met per requirements of federal and state permits.
We performed preconstruction surveys for foothill yellow-legged frog, western pond turtle, and nesting birds, and vegetation mapping for planned tree removal. During dam removal activities, Sequoia biologists helped lead the safe relocation of over 2,000 fish to avoid impacts from project activities. Following dam removal, Sequoia botanists and revegetation planners used the onsite survey information to draft the revegetation plan approved by the CDFW and oversaw replanting at the project site.
Biological Services
Environmental Planning & Compliance
Storm Water Services
Habitat Restoration