Entries by sequoiaeco

Special Status Species Spotlight – The Burrowing Owl

Here at Sequoia Ecological Consulting, we have the privilege of working with many incredible threatened and endangered species. In this series, we aim to go in-depth and highlight some of the magnificent creatures we work to preserve. In this installment, we will discuss the western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia).  The burrowing owl (BUOW) is designated […]

Special Status Species Spotlight – The Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog

In our ongoing series of focusing on threatened and endangered species, we aim to go in-depth and highlight some of the magnificent creatures we work to preserve. In this installment, we will discuss the foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii).  Populations of foothill yellow-legged frog (FYLF) are dispersed throughout the state of California in six “clades” […]

Deadly ‘Snake Fungal Disease’ Hits California

We are fortunate to work with many incredible species of snakes on a regular basis. Our native snake species occupy vital ecological niches within their broader environment. More specifically, these serpents serve to maintain a balanced food web as both prolific predators, and important prey for the likes of raptors and other elite hunters. From […]

Lightning Storms and Wildfire Regimes in California

The Bay Area experienced a rare weather phenomenon last weekend (August 16th, 2020) when a summer lightning storm roared overhead in the midst of a blistering heatwave. The atypical weather was a result of the tropical storm Fausto off the coast of Baja California funneling moisture up into California. It was dangerously hot across the […]

California Bark Beetles, Wildfire, and the Intersectionality of Art and Science

Bark beetles are a highly diverse subfamily of weevils that spend most of their life histories within specific host plants. Native bark beetles typically play key roles in the structure of natural plant communities and large-scale biomes. In most cases, bark beetles infest their host plant to shelter from predation, feed and reproduce. In the […]